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Hér er hægt að nálgast allskonar fræðsluefni sem tengist handleiðslu

rafrænar Greinar

Guðrún Sederholm
Faghandleiðsla fyrirbyggir kulnun í starfi
Skólavarðan 2.tbl. 2012 bls. 30
Jórunn Sörensen
Handleiðsla á fullt erindi við kennara og skólastjóra
Skólavarðan 5. tbl.10. árg. 2010 Bls. 12
Jórunn Sörensen,Toby S. Herman
Handleiðsla fyrir starfsmenn skóla
Skólavarðan 7. tbl. 1. árg. 2001 Bls. 11
Jóna Margrét Ólafsdóttir, Sigrún Júlíusdóttir
Handleiðslufræði – nám sem skapar fagfólki aukna atvinnumöguleika og sérþekkingu í eigin faggrein
Sigrún Júlíusdóttir
Handledninges framtida mál ---manniskovárd och yrkesvárd
INSIKTEN 6. árg. Nr. 1 1997
Sigrún Júlíusdóttir, Kristín Gústavsdóttir
Handledarutbildning inom psykiatrisk verksamhet - en tverfaklig modell: PSYKISK HALSA 1990
Sigrúrn Júlíusdóttir
Handleiðslumál fagfólks á Íslandi
SÁLFRÆÐIRITIÐ 6.árg. 2000 , 51-62
Sigrún Júlíusdóttir
Rannsókn á fræðastörfum íslenskra félagsráðgjafa


Positive aspects of the teacher training supervision: The student teachers' perspective
When educational supervision meets clinical supervision: what can we learn from the discrepancies?
The Effects of "Bug-in-Ear" Supervision on Special Education Teachers' Delivery of Learn Units
Uneasy translations: taking theories of supervision into teaching
Locating supervision-A reflective framework for negotiating tensions within conceptual and procedural foci for teacher development
School Nurses Who Only Care for Children With Special Needs: Working in a Teacher's World
Supervising mentors’ lived experience on supervision in teaching, nursing and social care education. A participation-oriented phenomenological study
Supporting presence in teacher education: The connection between the personal and professional aspects of teaching
Teaching the Teachers: A Model Course for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Supervisors
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